Kris’s Story
One Family’s Choice
Kristopher Brandon King was born March 23, 1989.
He was rushed to the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh while just hours old. Not yet having a name, he became known as BB King (Baby Boy King). That was to be the first of many long hospital admissions for Kris.
Over the years, Kris overcame adversity. During his multiple hospital admissions, including back surgery, uncontrolled seizure activity, too many bouts of pneumonia to count, and the flu in February 2008, he fought back each time.
Kris had an amazing spirit and every day with him was a gift. Kris met many physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, and lab technicians through the years who grew to love him. Over those same years, Kris’s family met the families of many children waiting for organ transplants. Sadly, many never received the life sustaining gift of organ donation and lost their last battle while waiting.
Many children still wait today.
In October 2008, the shunt that was placed in Kris’s head shortly after birth malfunctioned. When it was certain that Kris was not coming back, and that the brain damage due to the broken shunt was too severe, Kris’s family prayed for a miracle.
While struggling to make a decision, a family member suggested organ donation, and it was as if a great weight lifted. With his giving spirit, the family knew it was what Kris would have wanted to do.
We said goodbye to Kris on October 9, 2008. Although he is missed dearly, we know Kris lives on through organ donation.

The Kristopher King Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization working to increase pediatric organ donation through education and awareness.